Author: Social Media

Fishing in Sian Ka’an

Fishing in Sian Ka’an

The Sian Ka’an Biosphere and Nature Preserve in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula has become a popular destination for eco-friendly tourists and nature lovers from all over the world thanks to its stunning views and enthralling experiences. Sports like fishing is just one of many activities that you can indulge in while staying in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere. Fishing Tours in the Sian Ka’an Fishing in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere is a pastime that is steadily growing in popularity. This is likely the case because of the stunning biodiversity which can be found in the waters of the Sian Ka’an Biosphere. You will find that your fishing experience is easily customizable in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere if you have a particular prey in mind; although not all fish are available all year round. It might be necessary for you to tailor the timing of your visit and the techniques you use to target a certain species. What’s included? When you sign up to a fishing tour or trip in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere you can generally rely …

Tips for Traveling with Aging Parents

Tips for Traveling with Aging Parents

Travelling can be tough even on the fittest people in their prime; it’s stressful, busy, and hugely tiring. So you can imagine how much tougher it is on your aging parents and relatives! Age brings it’s own benefits and pitfalls, but we believe that restricted traveling capacity shouldn’t be one of the common cons because, with some support, there’s no reason why elderly individuals should not be able to travel in relative comfort with minimal stress. Here’s how you can begin to minimize the stress and discomfort that long journeys can often cause for elderly travelers. Plan ahead and do some research When you’re traveling with aging parents it’s really important that you do your research well in advance to make sure that all the travel arrangements and accommodations are going to be compatible with any special requirements they may have. Look into the shortest most direct routes, the most suitable methods of travel, and the accommodations which meet any specific needs (for example ground floor accommodations or elevator access). You could also look into …

How Big Will Your Wedding Be

How Big Will Your Wedding Be?

One of the most difficult tasks when planning your wedding is figuring out how many people you are going to invite and determining your guest list. Some people long for a small intimate wedding with just a handful of well-wishers, others dream of a huge affair. Whatever you decide, make sure it is right for the both of you. You want your special day to be great, so you will have to consider all factors such as the number of friends and family you wish to invite, the budget that you are working with, and a style that represents you and your fiancé. Below are some tips to help you decide. The Pros and Cons Both small and large wedding celebrations come with pros and cons. Let’s look at each one in turn. Pros and Cons of Small Weddings ✓ Pro: Less money spent and less stress – A smaller wedding will generally cost less money, less time, and less stress. You can use the extra money that you would have spent on a larger …

How to Get to the Sian Ka’an Village

How to Get to the Sian Ka’an Village

The Sian Ka’an village is surrounded by some of the most stunning scenery that the Mexican Caribbean has to offer; the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Sian Ka’an Biosphere is a federally protected reserve that boasts mangroves, white sands, and palm trees. The secluded location offers an off-the-beaten-track brand of luxury that is hard to find in a vacation these days. How to get to the Sian Ka’an Village The Sian Ka’an Village is situated right on the coast of Felipe Carrillo Puerto in Quintana Roo. By land this is around 6 hours from Cancun international airport, 4 hours from Chetumal, and 1 hour north of Mahahual. This luxury villa is in the heart of the land that was made a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1987, and is a truly one of a kind place. Planning your trip in advance In order to help you plan your trip we have listed some basic advice about how to get to the Sian Ka’an Village below. If you need a refresher, or you want …

Things You Should Bring on Vacation

Things You Should Bring on Vacation

Whether you are a planned-to-the-second traveller, a grab-it-and-go vacationer, or a happy medium type of tourist there are some things that you should always bring with you when you head off on your vacation. Traveling is never stress free, we know this, but you can make it a little less stressful if you remember to bring each of the items listed below. Reading Materials Whether it’s a magazine, a journal, or a paperback (or the digital versions of these on a device), having reading material can make delays and waiting periods much easier to bear when you’re traveling. These are as perfect for escaping the tedium of airport waiting rooms as they are for whiling away hours by the pool… just be sure to pack a variety of options so you can read according to your mood. Chargers for Electronics This one’s a biggie! Especially if you have a few stop-overs in the middle. Nothing is guaranteed to send a long-distance traveler into meltdown like realizing the phone they rely on for navigation, timekeeping, and …

Vacation Exercise: Running on the Beach

Vacation Exercise: Running on the Beach

When it comes to cardio exercise, running has been in the past, and remains still, the classic and most popular example, and not without reason! Running does a huge amount to keep you healthy and happy in mind and body, but any avid runner knows that running on concrete can be hellish for the joints. Running on the beach, however, takes this activity to a whole new level; the sand, the sea, and the breeze all enhance the experience, but there are a few practical reasons as to why you should run on the beach more often… Here they are: Improve Your Overall Health Your entire body benefits from the positive response that comes along with exercise, but some forms of exercise are undoubtedly more beneficial than others. Running on the beach, for example, will improve your breathing as you deliver more oxygen to your lungs. If you do this regularly you will greatly increase your stamina and enable yourself to perform more regularly at a higher level. The natural resistance provided by the sand …

Travel Insurance for Peace of Mind

Travel Insurance for Peace of Mind

It is so important that you feel secure and safe when you travel, and when it comes to peace of mind there are few things which will give you as much as travel insurance. Obviously we would all hope that nothing goes wrong during our hard-earned vacation time, but anything can (and unusually does) happen so it’s wise to invest in a safety net for you and your loved ones. Should you find yourself stranded, injured, lost, you lose your suitcase, have something stolen, or you are caught unawares by cancelled bookings travel insurance can take the sting out of it by ensuring that, at the very least, you’re not left out of pocket by it all. Obviously it would be best if you did not need your travel insurance at all, but it is better to be safe than sorry! What Should Be Covered in your Travel Insurance Policy The most important thing must be making sure that you’re getting insurance which covers you in all the ways you need it to.  If we …

Palapas and sustainable architecture at the beach

Palapas and Sustainable Architecture at the Beach

Dating back to the ancient civilizations of indigenous groups including the Aztec, the Inca and the Maya, palapas and thatched buildings have long been a popular architectural tradition in Mexico.  A palapa is an open-sided structure consisting of sustainable materials including a thatched roof made with dried palm leaves and branches.  They continue to be the favored choice for beachside bars and restaurants as well as resorts with a tropical vibe.  Because they offer a fantastic solution for providing shade and a cool place to relax when it gets too hot in the sun, they are extremely common throughout the coastlines of Mexico which are home to some of the most stunning beaches in the world.   Thatched roofs, which are the most common type in the world, are most often crafted in Mexico with dried palm leaves that are layered in a pattern designed to shed water and keep the inner roof dry.  This roofing method, which has been around for centuries, is a common architectural feature found in both temperate and tropical climates …

The Animals of Sian Ka'an

The Animals of Sian Ka’an

Rich in biodiversity, the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve is fortunate to be a natural habitat of an amazing number of animal species.  With a wide variety of vegetation types and plenty of secluded space to exist undisturbed in the wild, the animals here are living the way nature always intended.  Geographic features including swamps, lagoons, coastal lagoons and marine environments are a wonderful refuge for these lucky resident creatures.    Birds There is an astounding number of bird species here, with 326 different types that have been recorded thus far.  This includes 219 species that are full-time residents and 65 that migrate here for the winter.  Beyond that, the area is also along the migratory path for birds that travel to Central and South America.  The reserve counts 21 out of the 23 species of wading birds found in Mexico as residents.  Species including the toucan, frigate, jabiru stork, cormorant, crowned pigeon and great curassow are common sightings in the reserve.   The Sian Ka’an Biosphere boasts Mexico’s second-highest numbers of reproduction amongst some of …

Responsible Tourism in Sian Ka’an

Sian Ka’an Responsible Tourism

When we talk about Quintana Roo and the Yucatan Peninsula we are discussing two of Mexico’s busiest and most successful tourist destinations. These are places of truly worldwide renown and of high quality experiences. Over the last 40 years the tourist trade has steadily grown in these places until an estimated 8 million tourists and 3 million cruise ship passengers pass through on a yearly basis. This trade has brought economic stability and growth to the region, but have, of course, also had a noticeable economic impact. Thankfully, however, the locals have noticed that there is a potential here for responsible and sustainable eco-tourism. This is evidenced by the developments and programs that can be found in and around the Sian Ka’an Biosphere.   Responsible Tourism in Sian Ka’an The Sian Ka’an is one of the most beautiful and protected areas of land in the Yucatan Peninsula. Not only is it a protected nature reserve, but this is a place which has attained the coveted UNESCO World Heritage Site status. This is hardly a surprise, …